SRS Labs' iWOW adaptor for iPods changes the way we think about portable audio

. Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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You may not know this, but in life you once knew. No, we do not talk about the economic crisis or the environment, the threat of the Red Cross, or count down to 2012.

Is far greater than all of this, SRS Labs has announced iWOW adapter for the iPod's design. The device is a hardware-based version of its "award-winning" iWOW plug-in iTunes, so that the same "robust expansion phase of the" experience, you have to enjoy your home computer to your iPod classic, fifth-generation iPod IPod nano or 3G networks.

Of course, people can not put a price tag on such a revolutionary, immersive audio technology, but if we do not have to speculate, we will be listing price of 99 dollars. You waiting for? iWOW adaptor for iPod Only a real danger, as long as we can see that it is the experience of hearing is so exciting, you wind as a vegetable in a coma. However, you know? This may be worth the risk.
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