Adobe Acrobat 7 MAC information

. Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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Product Overview:

Adobe's Acrobat 7.0 Professional software is an advanced way to create, control and provide more secure, high-quality Adobe PDF files. Assembly of electronic or paper files - and even websites, engineering drawings, and e-mail - into reliable PDF file format, it is easy to use and share free A d obeRe ader ® 7. 0 software. New features: * The ability to easily design reviews * Adobe PDF forms of organization * Adobe's PDF file attachments * Improved.

System requirements:
* PowerPC® G3, G4, or G5 processor * Mac OS X v.10.2.8 or 10.3 * 128MB of RAM (256MB recommended) * 495MB of available hard-disk space * CD-ROM drive